Frequently Asked Questions

Can I check-in / check-out in Porto or Faro?
Yes, it’s possible. For Faro Check-in/Check-out: 260 Eur (each way) and for Porto Check-in/Check-out: 290 Eur (Each way) Service not available during the months of July, August and September. A more cost effective solutions is a bus for around 6 Eur that would take you from Lisbon to Faro (or Porto) and back so we advice this option instead. Check and book online:
Can I rent a camper van if I’m younger than 25 years old or have less than 2 years driving experience?
We can make exceptions sometimes. Please let us know before you book and we will get back to you ASAP.
Do you offer long term rental discounts?
Yes we do! When you select the dates on the van page, discounts are automatically applied for you. You unlock different discounts when you book 7, 14, 21 or 30 night trips. The longer the trip, the better the prices. You can see more clearly our discounts by checking our “prices” and “long term rentals” on the menu.
Can I go faster than 100 Km/h?
No. Maximum speed you can drive our vans is 100 Km/h.
Can I go to other countries with the van?
We allow it when bookings are longer than 14 nights. Please always let us know as we need to adjust the insurance for this.
It’s my first experience with a campervan and I feel I don’t know many things.
No worries! One of the things we enjoy the most is the interaction with our customers. We are happy to share our knowledge so you can have a smooth and epic trip. After booking confirmation, we will send you a useful guide with beautiful places to visit and other info on logistics that will help plan your roadtrip. If you need more help, contact us and we will address your concerns.
What’s the minimum rental period?
The minimum rental period is 5 nights. 7 nights on high season. We like to be flexible so we can make exceptions if we have dates available. Contact us on Whatsapp or at for more info
Can I wild camp in Portugal?
As of January 2021 is ilegal to wild camp in Portugal. This is a new law and it’s still being discussed so it might change in the near future. We know this might be a bummer for some people but there was an environmental reason for this change and as responsible campervan owners, we have to respect it. The cool thing is that this is opening the door for many unique overnight stays that weren’t possible before. Looking at the bright side, it might even be a way to make your holidays more memorable and special. We will share with you how to deal with this during your trip.
How to find beautiful places to sleep?
You can use websites and apps like Park4nights,,, and This is one of the latest things developing in the industry and we are super excited about it as it truly offers a way to spend your nights in unique natural spaces that complements the whole campervan and roadtrip experience. We are constantly exploring it and will be sharing some super cool curated options with you so you can enjoy them in your trip.
All the campers have insurance?
Yes. All of our campers have a classic third party liability insurance with glass coverage and 24/7 road assistance. Basically, it covers the legal liability of third-party property damage. Any damages caused to the van where it is your responsibility are not included. We offer an option for a full risk insurance. The price for this can vary from 18-25 Eur extra per day depending on the length of your trip. This is a full risk insurance with a franchise of 1000 Eur. If you’re interested, please contact us before booking to provide a quotation.
What driver's license do I need to drive your campervans?
A normal class B license is enough.
Can I book for less than 5 nights?
Yes you can. The price is the same as for 5 nights though. As you have probably already seen, we have the best value for money among the campervan rental companies. Unfortunately, for us it doesn’t compensate the time and effort for a trip for less than 5 nights.
What's the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in is from 15h30 onwards. Check-out is at 10h. We are flexible with this if we have the availability. You can arrive at any time and day at no extra cost.
What's your cancellation policy?
If you cancel your reservation 30 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, you will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until that date. 

If you cancel your reservation less than 30 days and more than 15 days prior to the scheduled check-in date, you can choose between a 50% refund or receive a flexible travel voucher for the full amount valid for 1 year. For cancellations made less than 15 days to the scheduled check-in date, you are entitled to receive 40% travel voucher of the full amount of the booking. *Vouchers are valid for 1 year from the date of the rental and only usable during low season (from 01/11 – 30/04. Excluding the holiday season in Dec-Jan) If the cancellation is coming from the customer, any payment fees and charges shall be borne solely by the customer.
Do you charge extra for more than 2 people?
Bookings include 2 people in the rental. There is an extra cost of 10 Eur / per person per night.
Do you have a cleaning fee?
Yes. The cleaning fee is 35 Eur. This is the only cost outside of the rental cost.
Can I pay the booking in two parts?
Normally we charge 100% when you book but if this is very important for you, we can work something out so you can book. Get in touch with us and describe what you need. We’re always open to help.
How much is the security deposit?
1000 Eur. It should be paid and already on our account by the time you start you trip.
How can I pay the security deposit?
You can pay it via Bank transfer, PayPal or Revolut before arrival.
When do I get the security deposit back?
The deposit is transferred back 10 working days after the rental ends. This allow us the time to check for potential fines, damages and get the full information on the tolls.
Do you sell any of your campervans?
Yes we can sell some of them specially in the off season (Winter time). If you are interested in one of out very well maintained and reliable beauties, let us know and we might be able to figure something out.

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